Book Launch 19.9.2024
In 2020 my parents died within four weeks of each other.  That's my contribution to this anthology.  During the pandemic my life and the lives of my siblings (and our children) changed forever - we became adult orphans. Our family were not unique during this time and our thoughts are with all those who lost loved ones during Covid.

People from all walks of life and varied backgrounds courageously share their experiences of grief and healing.

Heartfelt and powerful, written with courage and vulnerability so that you, the reader will know that you are not alone and that our voices and experiences matter.

Why Black Grief and Healing?  Because often our experiences are written or 'captured' by others, here we use our own words, in our own styles about our grief.  

I have no doubt that this book will form part of a tool kit for health practitioners, for academics and for employers whilst also being a companion to you who have experienced loss.  We need to talk about death and dying but we also need to talk about healing within the community.

Thank you to Dr Yansie Rolston and Patrick Vernon OBE for imagining this anthology and having the time and determination to reach out to their network and encourage the writing of our grief stories. 

Another thank you is to Jessica Kingsley publishers for bringing this to print.

And finally a massive thank you to The Right Honourable Stuart Lawrence for writing the foreword to this book.