The Kitchen Table

A safe space to talk about loss.

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MAMM - Menopause Moments

A safe space to embrace your menopause journey your way. We share information so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for you. It's your menopause, do it your way.

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MAMA - Men and Menopause Awareness

A safe space for men to learn more about the menopause.

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Parent Lab

A safe space to get support with parenting at all stages of the journey. Conversations support evidenced based strategies to engage family members in working as a team for the benefit of creating and sustaining harmony. Often misunderstandings occur within families - let me assure you that this is usual, take time to listen then the other person will do the same. We cannot ignore that our children will model behaviour that they have seen or heard - let's consciously show and tell them what we want to see reflected.

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If it's about money, this is the page that you're looking for.

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